Great SEO, But No One Reads My Post

Great SEO, but no one reads my post.

So, what went wrong?

I made all the corrections

They said would make my writing strong.

But my Search Engine Optimization didn’t bring the web traffic along.


I put in the right amount of tags

And categories too.

I crunched the numbers perfectly:

Not too many, not too few.


Yet, obviously my post was not

Among the chosen few

That get more than two hits at that.

Tell me, what did I do?


Did I make my poetry too long?

Were my search terms not “all that”?

Do I want too much recognition,

And does someone smell a rat?


To covet fame or glory

Does not behoove one such as I,

Who has pledged to honor Christ

And on His strength I do rely.


Yet I believe my SEO

Has somehow lied to me,

Leading me to think that

Perfect writing is the key


To getting readers for my posts.

I think there must be more,

Something that I have not been told

But I should not ignore.


For it doesn’t seem to make my page views

Go up much if at all.

To see my site’s statistics

Makes me feel rather small.


Perhaps there’s just too many people

Trying to be heard

On social media’s many sites.

Each wants to share a word.


They do their SEO research

And yet their posts don’t fly.

Perhaps a flaw lies in the system

On which they do rely.


For programs don’t do miracles,

But what’s impossible with man

Is possible with God.

To trust in Him is my best plan.





Author: C R Flamingbush

C.R. Flamingbush grew up in Wheaton, Illinois and graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in German and linguistics. After working seven years for the Department of Defense (an easy job), she took on the most difficult challenge in the world: a lifetime career of raising four children. Along the way she developed a passion for writing Christian superhero fantasy. She enjoys humor because it's Biblical (see the second psalm) and she loves to make people laugh - whether through her writings, her art, or just by being herself. Writing fantasy is her way of poking fun at human foibles and all the ridiculous ideas that so easily beset the human race, while at the same time honoring God in every way she can. Flamingbush has been a member of Faithwriters since 2010, and several of her winning contest entries have been published by Fresh Air Press. She likes Fan Story and has been a Narnia fan since the age of ten. In terms of influence, she aspires to be the next C.S. Lewis but has quite a ways to go in that regard. Speed of Sight, a Superhero Adventure, is her first novel. A sequel is in the works.

14 thoughts on “Great SEO, But No One Reads My Post”

      1. The last time I tried a plugin, my whole site became unreadable and I was hours and hours with the WordPress “happiness engineers” trying to fix it.
        Nevertheless, my blog has steadily grown in viewership over the years.
        I think if you give people posts they want to read or watch, and plenty of them, they will come.
        This blog is part of my ministry to Jesus Christ; but He doesn’t mind if I throw in some cat videos.


      2. Yes, I agree. I try to give people posts they want to read but sometimes that part is hard to figure out. I decided just to be myself and trust God with it. It’s hard to do a lot posting though; I am dividing my time between writing a sequel to my Christian superhero novel, marketing the first novel, church life, etc. But it’s always fun to vent a little when it comes to blogging, lol.


  1. I hear ya! I struggle with this too! I’ve been blogging 3 years now but not consistently on a schedule. I heard recently that God will bring the following when we are faithful to the call first. I’m not saying you or I aren’t faithful, I just think it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers and get distracted from our call. I think the worst thing is getting pulled into too many directions where we can’t be consistent with it all and really do our best. I agree we should place our trust in the Lord and He will be faithful! God bless you!


    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging comment. With all I have right now to juggle, I do struggle to be faithful to my call. As an author, I am told I must work hard to promote my book, but sometimes all that pressure can take away from hearing what God has to say. I always appreciate another voice of wisdom to help calm all those voices and remind me once again that it’s not about the numbers. God bless you too!


  2. You’re welcome! I look forward to new posts! Oh and by the way, I heard Pinterest is a great way for bloggers to grow. You have to pin consistently and not just your own stuff but others. This is because the algorithms likes a variety of posts. I’m about to try posting regularly on Pinterest and see how that goes but I’ve heard it really helps!


    1. Thanks for the heads up. I may try using it more. Facebook hasn’t worked that well – I’ve been on there for years. Most of these venues seem to require a lot of posts. In a few weeks my time will be freed up more and I am going to try to blog or tweet or review more books on Goodreads.


    There are many ways to create a website but however with certain restrictions. Best way I would like to suggest is to know the basics of web designing with html and css and then start creating the website of you choice.


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